So here is the first installment in a "Suggested Readings" list. To start it off here is my top 10 list; only the first three are in order.
1) The Brothers Karamazov, Fyoder Dostoevsky: Simply put, the best book I have ever read.
2)Law, Legislation, and Liberty, F.A. Hayek: If you want to blow your mind and look at politics and policy in a completely new way, read this book.
3) The Theological Foundations of the Mormon Religion, Sterling M. McMurrin: Mormonism for the thinking person. The full theological power of Mormonism unleashed. This is not your mothers sunday school lesson.
4)The Harry Potter Series, J.K. Rowling: The most entertaining books ever written. 'Nuff said.
5) The History of Love, Nicole Krauss: I dare you not to love it.
6) The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand: Rand at her finest. Philosophy is easier to stomach and purely brilliant writing.
7)East of Eden, John Steinbeck: A little tedious at first but culminates wonderfully.
8) Faust, Goethe: As much as I like Shakespeare, and I do so like my Shakespeare, I have to say that Faust comes out on top.
9) Hamlet, Shakespeare: Having just said what I did, Hamlet is still a masterpiece.
How should I wrap this up...
10) 1984, George Orwell: Guess I oughta put at least dystopian novel on here, and there simply isn't a better or more important one than 1984.
Yup so there is my humble list. I would highly recommend all of them. I wonder what Heidi's list will look like. Quite different I'm sure.