I was riding my bike through campus today, concentrating on all the things I had to do, when someone standing in White Plaza shouted, "Free Chalk! Is pink ok?" I stopped my bike and walked up to her as she reached out her arm and handed me that fat piece of sidewalk chalk. She said, "Draw or write whatever you like. Wherever." And then I looked down and saw on the road and sidewalk, people had written all sorts of things, like "I'm in LOVE!!" and statistics about AIDS and to come to their party on Saturday night. Then I looked up at the sun shining through some brilliant orange leaves and squatted down to write "Life is Beautiful".

A couple of weekends ago, my friend Abena celebrated her 20th birthday in the best way known to man --- in a room full of trampolines. The place is called Sky High and is my own personal heaven. Even the walls are bouncy. We did get creamed by some ten year olds in dodgeball, though. All in all, that hour of my life was perhaps the best stress reliever, even more so than African drumming. I want to go every weekend.

This past weekend one of my best friends of all time, Lexie, got married. I got to go home for the weekend and celebrate the happy day with her family and friends. AND... I got to see Andrew! Yay! It was wonderful spending a couple of days with him, but saying goodbye was so hard.
Congratulations, Lexie and Jeffrey!!!