dear andrew,
i miss you.
i guess that's what you get for picking a techie major. sometimes i wish i could just be a surfer bum. i guess i'd have to learn to surf first, but it can't be harder than organic chemistry and differential equations, right? wish me luck this quarter :)
So this post is surely belated but with at least decent reason: school. This semester I am once again taking 18 credits, but with an added twist... I got a job (as in off campus). I now work at the Pizza Factory which I thoroughly enjoy, but it does take up between 15 and 20 hours a week. The cumulative effect of this is me filling completly drained by Thursday. I love my classes and would not drop any of them (though I do have one class in which I am surronded by Glenn Beck loving neo-cons; which can be a bit tiring) but at times it does get overwhelming.

Enough of my uninteresting life. The point of this post is that it is my first one since heidi returned to Stanford and I remained here in Logan. It is expectedly difficult, but I feel much more confident and comfortable about it all then last year.

Closing thought (s)... Damon Cann is an excelent professor. As is Micheal Lyons. Oh, and having foreign language classes with RM's is about as much fun as reading epistemology. And if you have ever read any epistemology you know what I am talking about.

Back on the Farm (that's what some nerds decided to call Stanford). I'm so excited to be back at my beautiful school, but am missing Andrew oh so much. This should be a good quarter, but life is always better with my Handsomely Handsome.

Last weekend we took my little niece, Tia, on her first real road trip. We loaded up the car and all headed down to Zion's National Park. The first time my mom took my sisters and I to southern Utah, my younger sister fell asleep in the car and woke up to beautiful red rocks. Being the horrible older sisters that we were, Jo and I told her we had flown to Mars and she slept through the whole trip. She was amazed by the alien scenery, and also very disappointed that she slept through her first trip flying through space. Tia isn't old enough to believe any of my lies yet, but her parents dread the day.
Tia absolutely loved hiking, giggling the entire time and enjoying the wildlife immensely. She especially liked one particular squirrel -- her eyes lit up when she saw it, she pointed, said, "Kitty!" and then barked.

My older sister, Joanna, and her husband, Ray, had car troubles our first day there, so we found other means of entertaining ourselves. Kellie looks like a distinguished professor. I kind of look like a truck driver.

We found a cool cave for Tia to climb in. She cried when we took her out.

It was a rockin trip.

i love summer. mostly because i love hugging andrew every day. i will miss him when summer ends.
OH No!! I just went to the orthodontist. It had been two years, and naturally I wasn't a good girl like my sister who wears her retainer every night. I strolled in the office, planning on simply getting a new retainer to replace the one that won't fit on my pearly whites anymore, but alas, the three dreaded words came, "You. Need. Braces."
BAAAHH!!! 4 months. Metal face in college. Life could definitely be worse.