My roommate, Allison, is incredibly awesome and with the help of a Stanford program, got selected to be on the board of a nonprofit energy company. She's 19 and a board-woman!! She had her debut today at a gala in San Fransisco. Last night, she was looking for something business-woman-y to wear and we had fun rummaging through our closets trying to find something grown up enough. We thought the shutter shades and leopard fedora had added a touch of sophistication. What do you think?
With her successful-woman business skirt, the disparity between our levels of success became clear....
and was magnified by oh-so-unclassy outfit.

I love my silly roommate Allison. I can't wait to hear how her day as a Board-woman in my awesome pencil skirt went.

Since I finished my last round of midterms this week, I decided to enjoy my weekend and take Saturday off by going on a rock climbing trip put on by the Stanford Alpine Club. We were planning on going to Goat Rock, which is a 20 minute drive from campus, but it was raining there, so we decided to venture 2 hours farther south to Pinnacles National Park.
It was a beautiful fall day with awesome weather and great climbing. I can't wait to get back out again! Yay for being done with midterms :D

Saying goodbye to Andrew 3 weeks ago after Lexie's wedding was hard -- goodbyes always are. But this one was especially hard for some reason. My mom wanted to make the situation better, and so she was sneaky and found some cheap(er) plane tickets for Andrew to come out and visit. YAY!!! He came this last weekend for about 48 hours. It was pure happiness. We visited some schools Andrew's thinking of applying to for next fall: San Francisco State University and Santa Clara University. We both liked Santa Clara better-- he's thinking of applying to law school there
We also did some shopping in San Francisco at H&M, our favorite. Andrew found a sexy coat to help him brave the cold Logan winters. I think it makes him look about five years older. I bought a dress for my 21st birthday later this month and some ridiculously high heels that make me as tall as Andrew. Andrew told me that owning high heels is a rite of passage-- part of becoming a woman. I told him that heels were invented by men and that as a feminist I shouldn't be wearing them. But they're cute :D
It was the best way I know how to spend a weekend -- with my Andrew.